BEOGRAD – Evropska komisija objavila je pre dva dana izveštaj o napretku Srbije u procesu integracije. Sekcija o saobraćaju, u kojoj se nalazi i vazduhoplovni segment, dobila je ocenu „umerenog napretka“ u odnosu na zahtevane smernice Evropske Unije.
Kako se navodi u delu koji obrađuje vazduhoplovstvo u odnosu na prošlu godinu usvojene su dve implementarne regulative više. Srpsko vazduhoplovstvo dobilo je najveće primedbe u delu bezbednosti što je bilo i očekivano. Uprkos pozitivinim ocenama EASA audita očigledno je da su više nego amatersko ustanovljenje i rad Centra za istraživanje udesa i ozbiljnih nezgoda koji se razvlači već skoro tri godine privukli pažnju. Deo kritika u vezi bezednosti vazdušne plovidbe verovatno ima utemeljenje i u činjenici da je prelet putničkih aviona iznad Srbije skoro dva meseca bio nebezbedan zbog nemogućnosti Vojske Srbije da vrši zaštitu vazdušnog prostora.
Izveštaj navodi da je kompanija Air Serbia i dalje pod istragom (precizniji termin naveden u tekstu su „upiti“) u vezi detalja efektivne kontrole strateškog partnera iz UAE. DCV se ponovo pominje i kroz zahtev za „potrebnim jačanjem administrativnog kapaciteta“ ne bi li bio u stanju da ispuni obaveze vezane za ECAA ugovor:
„In the area of air transport, 18 pieces of implementing legislation were adopted, along with regulations on common rules for the allocation of slots, ground handling and airport charges. There was further progress towards meeting requirements for the first transitional period of the European Common Aviation Area Agreement (ECAA), but there are some gaps as regards requirements in the field of economic regulation and aviation safety. There were no major safety findings identified in the inspections carried out by the European Aviation Safety Agency. Further harmonisation with the acquis on accident investigation and working time needs to be achieved. In January 2014, the Civil Aviation Directorate adopted the revised list of air carriers that are subject to an operating ban within the European Union. A decision on a list of experts for the investigation of accidents and serious incidents was adopted in March 2014. The new national airline, Air Serbia, was established in October 2013 as a joint venture owned by the Republic of Serbia and United Arab Emirates’ flag carrier Etihad Airways. Inquiries are ongoing regarding the airline’s compliance with the ‘effective control’ requirements stipulated in the ECAA. The administrative capacity of the Civil Aviation Directorate needs to be strengthened in order to fulfil obligations of the ECAA Agreement.„