Predzadnji komentar u ovom re-postu posebno je zanimljiv ukoliko se prisetite priče koju je i Blic eksploatisao. Diskusija se vodila na bazi toga da je J-20 stelt avion i da je samo pitanje uz čiju pomoć.
Delim mišljenje „dobro poznatog anonimnog dizajnera borbenih aviona“. Možda liči, ali kako bilo ko može pouzdano znati bilo šta o njegovoj „nevidljivosti“?
Dok čekamo konkretne i proverene informacije evo možda jedine analize koja iole smisleno zvuči.
European PR person: ‘The American planes are obsolete, designed in the seventies. The F-16 may have performed well in Vietnam, but this is a new era.“
(Give me a break: the Super Hornet was designed in the nineties, and the F-16 Block 60 has little in common with the old F-16A, which came well after the war in Vietnam. Ever heard of the F-4 Phantom, dude?).
Indian journalist at UK defence presser, asking the first question: „India cancelled the Airbus tanker a few years ago because of overpricing. Isn’t overpricing also the case with the Eurofighter?“
(The commander of the British air force parried by telling her she needed to consider lifecycle costs, but the head of Eurofighter (in the audience) looked more than a touch annoyed at the question.)
Chinese journalist in Defence Minister briefing: „You say that you are friends with China, but why was the Chinese Ambassador only invited to Aero India yesterday? Also, why did it take long for me to get my media pass?“ (The defence minister did not answer the ambassador question, but ordered his PR head to sort out the passes, much to the amusement of the gathered media.)
Me: „What do you think of China’s J-20?“
Famous fighter aircraft designer: „The media are reporting it is stealthy, but it does not have any real stealth characteristics, and we don’t have any idea what it’s made of. It’s crazy.“
Saab spokeswoman: „We’re hosting a flight for journalists in the Saab 2000 at noon. Would you like to tag along?“
Me: „Sounds great, but there is another Saab aircraft I’d prefer to try out. Hmmm, let me think, I believe its starts with a ‘G.'“
via Asian Skies.
Ivan B
Apsolutno se slazem Petre!
Toliko naklapanja i blebetanja oko novog stelt Kineza,bez ikakvih informacija.
Gomila prica o pozajmljenom ili prodatom parcetu f-117,provaljenoj stelt "farbi" tj.premazu…
Cudan novi trend u svetu avijacije,mozda vise nego ikad-bez i jedne relevantne informacije,pocinje izgradnja tolikih prica i teorija.Uzdrmali svet.Da,da,oni mali iz kineskih na uglu…