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Najava: Bitola Air Race and Airshow 2011

Najava: Bitola Air Race and Airshow 2011

Aeroklub Mirko Todorovski iz Bitolja organizovaće Air Race i Airshow event u trajanju od tri dana 9, 10 i 11. septembra ove godine.

Uprkos obustavljanju originalnog Red Bull Air Race-a zbog lošeg poslovanja i priča o nezadovoljavajućoj bezbednosti na pojedinim lokacijama kao i neuspelim planovima da se pomenuti event organizuje i u Beogradu, balkanski aeroklubovi i organizacije nisu napustile koncept priredbi koje za temu imaju letenje akrobatskih aviona između pilona na naduvavanje.

Posle pionirskih koraka koje smo imali prilike da vidimo u Novom Sadu pre koju godinu na prvom dvodnevnom GA događaju u Srbiji, i trci iznad zadarskog zaliva pre mesec dana, imaćemo priliku da vidimo nešto slično i u Makedoniji. Na ovom Air Race – fly-in – airshow hibridu leteće isti učesnici kao u Zadru uz učešće makedonske državne, vojne i privatne avijacije.

Najava sa njihovog Facebook eventa:

When a small entity as the local Aero Club „Mirko Todorovski“ from Bitola dares to organize an event of the class of the Red Bull Air Race, then only two thoughts come into your head, someone really overestimated himself, or indeed something big will happen in Bitola.

In a period when the largest organizer of such events, Red Bull with its spectacular event Red Bull Air Race, announces one-year break due to financial problems, then skepticism for the quality of this event in Bitola is completely justified, but when you put the list names of flying aces who will attend in this „flying race“ and the names of their flying machines, everything will be clear.

But, First thing first

The Air show is predicted to last 3 days on 9, 10 and 11 of September 2011.

The first day Friday 09.09.2011will be unofficial. The aviation modeling sections from Macedonia and neighboring countries will present their show and activities and will make a presentation of their sub sections as aviation modeling, radio commanded modeling, free flight modeling, rocket modeling section.

Certainly the most of the day will be devoted to ultra light aircraft and visitors will become familiar with the properties of the ultra light aircraft, their “invading” of the sky and their advantages over the general aviation airplanes.

Certainly our guests also will be many hang gliders, parachutists and free flyer. Everyone present from our team at the air show will try to contribute to inform the public on its activities.

Day 2, Saturday 10.09.2011

Is the Official Day of the Air show and Air rally race.

The Air show will officially begin with parachute jumps from a helicopter. The first parachute jumper will jump with the Macedonian flag attached on him.

Once when the air show it’s opened, the Aviation VING from the Ministry of Defense of Macedonia will make a fly show with military helicopters Mi-17 and Mi-24 and with 2 Zlin aircrafts, and then comes the fly show of the MOI unit helicopter.

Afterwards comes three aircraft of the type A-802 AT FIRE BOSS from the Directorate for Protection and Rescue who will make a presentation of throwing colored water which symbolizes the Macedonian flag.

The official start of the air race will announce our special guest Dragan Amidzha from Novi Sad – Serbia, pilot of Galeb G2 who with his G2 will make a few stunts and low flights.

The short break will be used for setting of the Air inflatable obstacles

The Air race will begin and the special commission will assess their performance. Competition will have 2 disciplines:

• Time acrobatic race between 2 pairs of flagpoles

• Freestyle – free acrobatic flights in which pilots carry them self to the very limit of their aircraft endurance. The winner chooses the visitors and the commission.

Confirmed air race participants are:

Tomo Poljanac- Slovenia – Airplane Extra 300
Branimir Ambrekovic- Croatia- Airplane G202
Svilen Gorgiev – Bulgaria – Airplane Pitts –S2B
Andrew Bickmore – United Kingdom – Extreme

Afterwards is the announcement the winner and then start the party with a big stage, DJ-s, and a lot of music, food and drinks…. until the early morning hours.

Day 3, Sunday 11.09.2011

Presentation of the general aviation aircraft owned by Aero Clubs

Panoramic flights with Cessna 172,

Entertainment, music, food and drinks ….

For a stronger impression, here are some links:


The Program and the schedule due to weather conditions and technical requirements may go under changes, which will be published later on.

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