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Rumunija nabavlja besposadne letelice Watchkeeper X Watchkeeper X pripada familiji letelica izvedenih iz Hermesa 450 / Foto: Elbit Systems

Rumunija nabavlja besposadne letelice Watchkeeper X

Nakon nabavke turskih izviđačko-borbenih Bajraktara, Rumunija najverovatnije kupuje još jedan tip srednje besposadne letelice. Ministarstvo odbrane Rumunije objavilo je 20. decembra da je sa izraelskom firmom Elbit Systems Ltd Company, preko rumunske kompanije C.N. Romtehnica S.A., potpisan okvirni sporazum o nabavci operativno-taktičkog besposadnog vazduhoplovnog sistema Watchkeeper X. Kako se navodi, sporazum ima rok važenja od pet godina i omogućiće dodeljivanje naknadnih ugovora za isporuku do 7 besposadnih sistema u ukupnoj vrednosti od oko 410 miliona dolara.

Kako se navodi u saopštenju, kompanija Elbit Systems ima obavezu da na teritoriji Rumunije formira i konsoliduje kapacitete za proizvodnju, integraciju, testiranje i održavanje za isporučene sisteme, uz pomoć domaćih kompanija. Počevši od prvog sistema Watchkeeper X, domaća preduzeća će u Rumuniji proizvoditi letelice i strukture zemaljskih komandnih stanica, kao i električne i mehaničke komponente sistema.

Osim toga, od trećeg sistema Watchkeeper X, pripadajući električni i mehanički sistemi će se proizvoditi u rumunskoj odbrambenoj industriji. Složene radove na održavanju tokom životnog ciklusa ovih sistema će isto tako obavljati rumunske firme, kako bi se izbeglo da tokom kriznih ili ratnih situacija ove usluge pružanju strane kompanije.

– Ovaj ugovor pokazuje trajnu potražnju za UAS-om kompanije Elbit Sistems. Radujemo se daljem jačanju odnosa kompanije Elbit Sistems sa rumunskom vladom. Kao deo izvršenja ugovora, Elbit Sistems planira da uspostavi infrastrukturnu i industrijsku saradnju sa podružnicama U-TacS, Aerostar i Elbit Systems u Rumuniji za proizvodnju besposadnih sistema u Rumuniji. Takođe cenimo kontinuiranu podršku i saradnju sa izraelskom i britanskom vladom i našim poslovnim partnerima na programu Watchkeeper – izjavio je Bezalel (Butzi) Machlis, predsednik i izvršni direktor kompanije Elbit Systems.

Watchkeeper X je izvozna varijanta letelice Watchkeeper WK450 koju koristi britanska armija. Proizvodi je firma UAV Tactical Systems Limited (U-TacS), podružnica kompanije Elbit Systems u Velikoj Britaniji, derivat je porodice izraelskih besposadnih sistema Hermes, i u potpunosti je kompatibilna standardima NATO-a što omogućuje suštinsku interoperabilnost sa NATO-om i drugim savezničkim snagama.

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7 RC avioncica za 410 miliona, pa i ceo ‘fabricki pogon’ da su im preneli je korupcionaski lopovluk. Stvarno ovo je sve obesmisljeno što se te tehničke strane tiče, ali je zato sistem otimanja državnog novca građanima/kuvanim žabama doveden do banalno jednostavnog. Doduše i nas je odžepario onaj Rafael i to preko hotelskog kreveta, oni nama parče papira i mišićavog mosadovca na sat vremena, a mi njima 20 miliona… ali srećom ima i gorih, evo one mučene Amere i Evropljane pokradose, a oni im još aplaudiraj, odobravaju i sami prinose. E moja osrednja klaso i seljace goljo…


Hold on man. It’s 21 drones, not 7. Hold your horses. The drones can be armed too and there is trainig for them too…
Hold on. It’s a public and transparent procedure…
Take it easy.


Teddy, just ignore comments like this one, this is cheap Russian propaganda, whatever EU/NATO countries do to for their resilience, they will question and try to depict as corruption, militarism, exploitation by the US etc. They would prefer much more week Romania in the Black Sea region without drones and other sophisticated military equipment. They are just envy and pissed off that EU/NATO hold together and continue supporting Ukraine, quite opposite from what Vladimir „the greatest president“ of all time expected to happen…


Mulțumesc prietene. Nu suntem noi atât de slabi pe cât părem. Dar e bine să pari slab din când în când. Mulțumesc.


Yea, right.
And Germany buys the F-35…
It’s warm in our homes, I can assure you. And the prices… Not so high.


Tedy my friend, you don’t have to convince me of anything, tell that to But I don’t think you understood the article and whole point.


Probably you’re right. I’m quit dumb, you know.


The sudden change of heart purchase of F-35 by Germany only supports the point John and Nix are trying to make. It has, of coarse, nothing to do with Putin propaganda. That article is simple common sense and more and more people are feeling free in the west to recognize the true power of american „military machine“. That said, I am glad Romania purchased these drones. Its a logical move, and great product. Specially if you start making them. I was always saying that Croatia should do something like this instead of buying expensive fighter jets.

@John C.
What this article says I have been saying here for months because it is common logic supported by undeniable facts that are only amounting more every week.

So Putin propaganda is controlling NY Times, USAToday, FoxNews, Politico. I am somewhat surprised that they are reporting this as well considering all so far. You just can’t keep this quiet for too long I guess since people already know this. I live in USA for 30 years and what this article says is what everyone understands at least in NYC. They are not very proud of it either. Russians did start the physical fight in 2/24/22 but you can’t turn your head away forever from the causes and from the #1 profiters. And #1 profiters are always #1 a huge part of the problem.
America did not accept any compromise in January and February before invasion, and did not allow Zelenski to sit and negotiate in April. Thats another fact.

You and some others don’t even believe that Russia is capable of reaching Odessa ever again, but somehow they can be a threat to Romania, Germany..:-) Make up your mind. You believe that Germany all of a sudden needs to spend another 50 billion on military, including which F-35 (which they decided against not long ago) to drop semi dumb nuclear bombs in order to stop that incapable Russian army? Where is the logic there. Logic is in someone making $$$. You tell me who.


Stari moj.. 410 milijuna dolara… pa niti da su od cistog zlata optocene dijamantnim balistickim oklopom…


Ro defence budget wil be in 2023 as large as 38.7 bil RON (around 7.9 bil USD).


Diamonds? This is a very basic way to put it. Those drones have something way more important than diamonds. And this would be knowledge. Information is the most precious thing, way above diamonds and far more expensive.


Oko 500 m za kupovinu celog paketa prenosa tehnologije.nije lose


Verovatno se pod sistemom misli na 3 ili 4 letelice u sistemu, pa je u pitanju 20-30 letelica ukupno. Nemoguce je da 7 Hermesa 450 kostaju toliko. Mada i ako su 20, onda svaka letelica kosta po 20 miliona, sto je isto ogromna cena za letelice srednje velicine i karakteristika.


There is a relation between the price and the characteristics. Aka senzors/capabilities…
You know what I mean.


Pod „NATO komplatibilni“ se verovatno misli neki nivo integracije sa Link-16. Ako je tako, ovo ce dati ogromnu mogucnost. Zamislite da mozete deliti video-feed sa avionom u vazduhu ili da vam dron markira metu laserom, a neko drugo(mnogo mocnije) sredstvo gadja bilo artiljerija sa zemlje ili visenamenski avion iz vazduha.

7 sistema(znaci 20ak letelica), tranfser tehnologije, proizvodnja…poprilicno dobra investicija.


Ești un tip deștept, ca întotdeauna. De aceea te apreciez în mod deosebit. 😀


There are the eyes for the Himars…


Io m-am născut în vremea lui Ceaușescu. Am făcut școală adevărată, cum se spune pe la noi. Scriu corect într-o limbă destul de dificilă și desfășor o activitate destul/extrem de complexă în care nu prea am eșecuri. Noi am perceput sârbii ca pe ceva prietenos. Ceva, oarecum și cumva, apropiat nouă. Oricum nu ca pe ceva ostil. Mai mult ca pe ceva prietenesc. Nu știu de ce pe de-antregul. Dar am crescut cu asta. Așa că noi, generația mea, cel puțin, nu vă putem privi cu ostilitate. Dimpotrivă.
Noi nu vă suntem ostili. Ca și concept și idee.


Besides STANAG 4586 (Standard Interfaces of UAV Control System (UCS) for NATO UAV Interoperability), there are already a number of existing or emerging Standardization Agreements (STANAGs) that are applicable to UAV´s. They provide standards for interoperable data link (STANAG 7085), digital sensor data between the payload and the UAV element of the data link (STANAG 7023, 4545, 4607, and 4609), and for on-board recording device(s) (STANAG 7024 and 4575).


Whenever I spoke to Romanians they always told me “Serbia is our friend”. That left a big impression on me. I’ll always cheer for you guys. Having good relations with our biggest neighbor is beyond valuable.

Defense spending is good, but I would like to see rail links modernized between our countries(electrified and high speed) and of course energy infrastructure.

When(or if) we get new western fighters Air Solution will be on another level. Comms fully compatible, data sharing, targeting shared, weapons, training….


Otvaranje pogona za proizvodnju ? Sjajno . Ovakvi ugovori mi se uvek sviđaju.
Onaj projekt (usput , šta li je sa tim?) modernizacije J 22 sam najviše gledao kao impuls za aktivaciju domaće privrede i namenske .


Na svu srecu mi ne znamo koliko smo platili kinesko Pegaz znanje.


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